Team AMSOIL snocross racer Robbie Malinoski will add another competition to his X Games re
sume today: Knock Out.

Malinoski has been added as a last minute alternate to the new snowmobile "Knock Out" competition in Aspen today. The program is pretty basic, jump farther than the other guy in a bracket style format. Knock Out will air live on ESPN 2 tonight starting at 6:00 P.M. EST.
Malinoski, who sits fourth in the AMSOIL Pro Open standings in the AMSOIL Championship Snocross Series after four rounds, is also competing in the Snocross competition this afternoon. The race is scheduled for 1:30 P.M. EST. on ESPN.
AMSOIL will also have two riders in Adaptive Snocross this morning (11:00 A.M. EST). Jim Wazny will race on a Scheuring Speed Sports sled and Mike Schultz will represent Warnert Racing on an AMSOIL/Ski Doo.
Until then, we'll see you at the races.