Boats were craned in by the Port of North Carolina at Morehead City using massive cranes normally used for loading and unloading containers off ships. The viewing area for the race was on the Port docks where bleachers were set up next to a VIP area. From the viewing area, the entire 5.4 mile race course could be viewed.

Team AMSOIL tested on Saturday after rebuilding a carrier assembly on the left transom assembly. On Sunday, there were two races. The Manufacturers’ Production Classes and Stock Outboard race started at noon. The faster and larger boats raced at 2 o'clock. Team AMSOIL was assigned to the third start in the later race, paired up with the War Paint Cat 750 boat. Bob Teague and Paul Whittier raced a fast and consistent race moving up through the pack of boats that started in the second start. The Cat Lite’s progress was hampered about three-fourths through the 84-mile race when a blade snapped off

Fortunately, by this point in the race, Team AMSOIL had won its class and War Paint had retired due to mechanical problems.
The win at the Crystal Coast Super Boat Grand Prix puts Team AMSOIL Offshore #77 in an unbeatable position in the Super Boat International points chase. Team AMSOIL Offshore Racing is currently in the lead in point standings in OPA, OSS, SBI and the Triple Crown Series
"The AMSOIL Dominator Racing Oil continues to be proven as the best choice for the Mercury

Next Stop for Team AMSOIL is the OSS Horny Toad National Championships on Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, September 25-27.
Until then, we'll see you at the races.