The Traxxas TORC Series presented by AMSOIL is proud to announce that one lucky fan will have a chance to ride alongside off-road legend Robby Gordon in the Traxxas TORC Pace Truck. This ride of a lifetime will take place Labor Day weekend at the birthplace of short course off road, Crandon International Raceway in Crandon, Wis.
The contest winner will also have the opportunity to meet some of off-roads finest with a private tour of the pits, watch the race from the Monster Energy VIP Stage, and take home their very
own Traxxas R/C Slash- a replica of the Traxxas TORC Series pace truck that they will be riding in. The ten runners up will also receive a Traxxas R/C Slash. Visit http://www.torcseries.com/ through August 31st, 2009 to enter and win. Contest winners will be announced September 1st, 2009.
The Traxxas TORC Series presented by AMSOIL is the world's premier short course off road series. TORC drivers push the limits with 900 horsepower, action-packed fender pounding on challenging natural terrain racetracks. The 2009 season schedule includes stops in Texas, California, Nevada, Michigan, and Wisconsin. For more information on TORC please visit http://www.torcseries.com/.
The Labor Day weekend race will air live on ABC on Sunday, September 6 at 5:00 P.M. EST.
Until then, we'll see you at the races.